Mama Seah asked me about the different types of flour and their uses in my tag board.
That really started me thinking. What's their individual use huh? There are really many different types of flour. Different cuisine uses different flour. I read in a magazine, Italian uses Semolina Flour to make pasta.
Here are the flour I know and how I use them.
All the flour listed here, except of Glutinous Rice Flour (I'm not too sure), are used in baking too!
The essential flour in my
wokking are All-Purpose Flour, Rice Flour and Corn Flour. I use a lot of these 3 flour.
The other flour I have in my kitchen store is
Top Flour. I use that to make muffins (using a muffin maker) and no bake cookies (using frying pan). I think it great for cakes too (I won't know because I don't bake.
Then there are Cake Flour, Pastry Flour, Bread Flour, Self
Raising Flour, etc. All these are flour used in Baking. Probably,
Angeleyes will know better
Hope this information is useful.