One of the family's favourite dessert is mango anything.
Mango sago,
Mango Shaved Ice,
Mango Pudding,
etc. This is one of the dessert (楊枝甘露 in Chinese) we always order when we dine out.
So when I buy mango, it doesn't stay in the fridge very long. Like wise for this case. I bought a 5 mangoes and had stoned 3 to be pureed and the other 2 cut into cubes. I was cooking the sago while the mango cubes and puree chilled in the fridge.
When the sago was done and cooled and I was ready to make the dessert, I realised most of the mango cubes were gone! What's left isn't enough for me to make 1 serving.
This last 1/2 serving is mine!
Next time, I won't agree to have anyone to have "some" mangoes. Their idea of "some" is countable numbers of leftover cubed mangoes for me. :X
Lucky for me, they didn't drink my puree!
For this dessert, I added (Fruit Tree) mango juice to the puree to make thickness we like. Stir in some cooked sago and top it with mango cubes and pomelo sags for bites. I didn't add to much pomelo as the one I had was a bit bitter.
If you can't get pomelo, try using mandarin orange, which is in season now.