
Friday, December 15, 2006


Hi and a very warm welcome to my humble little cyber eatry.

I'm WokkingMum, a stay at home mum with 2 young children from Singapore. I enjoy wokking among other things. Not that I have a choice. But since I'm at it, I might as well enjoy and have fun! Hence, the start of this food blog.

I'm not here to teach but to share. I'm far from being able to teach! You will find the eats I wok for my family. There's nothing fanciful, just some simple home-wokked food. Either envy or pity my family for what they have for dinner.

I hope you enjoy dining here and do visit again soon!

Happy Wokking!


  1. You have a very interesting blog site. Pretty, too. I enjoyed my visit.

  2. Thanks Barbee! Do visit me again when you are free! ^_^

  3. Nice food! Keep it up!

  4. Thank you! Hope to see you again!

  5. I love your food! you have the heart to make the most attractive food here. I got impress of that..I like to cook but I have no patient to make the food look like what you do. You score 90% on attractive ppl to taste your food..and another 10% wor..send me some food and let me makan 1st..:P

  6. msaufong,
    Wah, 90% just for looks and presentation ah? So much ah? Thanks har! :p

    That 10% ... only if have the chance ... hahaha!

  7. Hi! I love your blog! The food look so attractive & yummy! Lurve it!

  8. Mama Tang,
    Thank you for your compliments. *blush* Do try them out.

  9. Hi! I really love your blog! You've got alot of ideas and I now come here for ideas when I don't know what to cook for my gal! I'm not into cooking, but after seeing your blog, I enjoyed it more. Your realistic photos make it all seems so possible to cook. I started cutting carrots into those shapes and she loves them! Always exclaims 'wow' when she spots them in her meals! Thanks for this blog! It's really wonderful! :)


  10. Hi Faith!
    Thank you for visiting. Glad you find my blog useful. It's my pleasure to be able to share my humble home wokked food with everyone. Hope to 'see' you around again. :)

  11. Chanced upon your blog while surfing.

    I must say you have a very interesting and impressive blog. Keep it up!

    Best Regards,

  12. Cheerinotes,
    Thanks for visiting and your compliments.
    Do visit again.

  13. Hey, i stumbled upon ur blog while i was searching for some recipes and i must say that ur blog is truly amazing! All ur recipes are so yummy! My tummy kept rumbling while i was browsing through ur blog. You've done a really good job cooking what looks like gourmet dishes for ur family! i wish u were my mom.

  14. Anonymous,
    Thanks for visiting and your compliments too. I'm just doing my best within my limits and knowledge.

    I bet your mom will also cook yummy food for you. :)

  15. Its a lazy working Saturday for me, I am browsing the recipes and some link brought me to your page!

    Its fantastic... and great to enjoy this... I hope you don't mind me bookmark your blog for easy assess..

    It's really awakening reading all the food posts especially now when I am 29 weeks pregnant, and don't feel like working on a lazy Saturday.. You just keep me occupied throughout the 9 to 1pm..

    Leaving my office now, and shall visit your blog again when home! :)

  16. Hey Elaine...

    I just got to know your cyber eatery today. Thanks for sharing all the recipes. The photos that were taken are SO salivating and eye-appealing...Can see you really spend a lot of effort spicing up your meals...

    Keep the good food recipes going...



  17. your blog is fabulous!!^.^ I love the way the food is displayed-so colorful, attractive and mouth-watering! How i wished to cook like you do!

  18. The Coffee Freak,
    Thank you for visiting.
    Of course I don't mind you bookmarking me. It's my pleasure!

    Congratulations! Won't you have cravings now reading food blogs? ;)

    Do take care, eat & rest well. And have a very happy pregnancy.

    Thank you for your compliments. I'm just doing whatever I can. After all, it's for my family.
    Thank for reading and hope to have you visiting again.

    Thank you very much.
    I'm sure you can. I couldn't cook before too. I only started cooking about a few years ago. Cook more often and you will get the hang of it. :)

  19. Thanks, I enjoy reading your blog. Will be trying some of your recipes!

  20. Always like reading your blog... your food always seems to be made with love and sincerity... what a great mom your kids have...

    Hope to see what you cooked up during CNY for your lucky family. :P

  21. Your site is lovely. So much recipes to try. Keep it up.

  22. Thank you for your comments. Hope you guys will come back often.

  23. Just found your site!Love the recipes - indeed perfect for a mom with 2 little ones...just like me. Keep the recipes coming!

  24. I am so inspired by you! Will be trying many of continue to share k! God bless!

  25. Hi, i really like your lunch box which you prepared for your son. My daughter don't like to eat rice, i just bought the cute molds so dat i can attract her to eat. I hope i can do like yours one day, :p

  26. hi there

    chanced upon your site... as a soupy person too, who loves to eat and bake as well... i like your blogsite pretty much....neat and temptaliciously healthy stuff you've got there...

    continue with your wonderful culinary sharing...


  27. Thanks for sharing your receipes. I'm also a SAHM who has been cracking my head to get my 2-year-old eating, so your site is really helpful! Hope you dun mind me adding your site to my blogroll...

  28. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words!

  29. Hahaha so cute!! Everything you can star shape, you make!

    Very nice, I'm going to try some.... Cannot cook anything except microwave hahahaha. Ohohoh, and tacos. -_-!

  30. I love your site - You have a knack for making food look so beautiful! Your kids are SO lucky.

  31. Your site is in my fav list, just a click to enter, easy cos i just love your site. I don't cook but your site make me wanna cook, at least some simple dish for my family and am going to start with the most easy, chocalate cornflakes hahahah ... with my 3 yrs old daughter, i am so inspired by you! Keep up the good work and hope to see more new recipes in here! :)

  32. Dear wokkingmum,

    I'm a 13 year old kid living in Malaysia. I loved your blog as some of the recipes are kinda easy to make, and I'm kind of an amateur cook (destroying my mother's kitchen in the process) and sometimes need to because of my working parents. Keep up the delicious recipes!!!

  33. Hi!

    Came across this blog when I was searching for Japanese salad dressing and looking at the pictures, I see that you wokked up some nice dishes!

    Hope to get my wok working when I am married! :P

    A soon to be married gal from SG. :)

  34. Great blog u have there! =D
    I really like the "Browse Recipes By.." cause its so neat.
    Which widget did u use?

  35. Hi, juz came across your blog... luv the creativity of ur cooking to foods for kids.

    However, pardon my ignorance to the use of this blog, do u hav a receipe index on searching for foods to cook? Currently hav to use Ingredients Search, but can't see all receipe & hav to keep scrolling.

    Sorry & Appreciate ur kind advice :)

  36. Anonymous, Thanks for the compliments.

    You can try searching thru my other blogs, (recipes from 2006-2008) and (recipes from 2009 till to date). These 2 are photo blogs with links to recipes here.

    Hope you will find it easier to view.

    Thanks again for visiting.

  37. Hi Wokking Mum,

    Thanks alot! Pretty much easier now...

    Wow!! That's alot of receipes. :)
