I came back home and try to replicate it with what I saw and tasted. Hey, I didn't do too bad. Mine version doesn't taste exactly like the original but it's close enough. ;) At least, everyone is please with it and it had since took over this soup as the family's favourite.
Before I share the recipe, I just want to put a note that the original soup came with a few pieces of *gulp* shark's fin. I know there are a lot of people who are against eating it. And yes, I know what they did to the sharks after removing their fins. :(
To tell the truth, I had added some shark's fin here in this soup. :P We happened to have a box of dried shark's fin which was part of a gift basket given to us during Chinese New Year. It's a one time thing. I didn't go buy shark's fin to add into my soup subsequently. So please to flame me, okay? ;P
Seriously, adding shark's fins doesn't help make the soup taste any extra nicer. It's used so it would be priced higher. If you want to make the soup looks expensive and classier, vegetarian shark's fin can do the job just as good. ;)
- 1 Whole Chicken
- 300 lean Pork
- 25g Huai Shan 淮山 (Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae) aka Chinese Yam
- 20g Chinese Almond 南杏
- 6 Hong Zao 红枣 (Red Dates)
- 1.8 litre Water
- Salt to taste
How to do it:
- Blanch chicken and meat.
- Add all ingredients, except salt, into a pot.
- Bring to a boil and lower heat to a simmer.
- Continue cooking for at least 2 hours.
- Add salt to taste.
- Serve.
- If you must add shark's fin, real or vegetarian, just steam it for 10 - 15 minutes (shorter for vegetarian) with enough stock to cover it. Add it to the soup before serving.
- The stock can be returned to the soup to use.
- You can also add 1/3 tablespoon of Chinese Cooking Wine to the soup if you like.